The World Muscle Society is a dynamic community that aims to promote, disseminate, and share all aspects of neuromuscular physiology and diseases, from basic science to patient care. It encompasses a broad range of scientists and healthcare professionals who share outside the common interest for neuromuscular disorders our mission and values.
A global, multidisciplinary community committed to advancing the science of neuromuscular disorders and the care for people living with them.
To reflect our values, we are actively working to promote diversity and increase access to our network and services. Students and colleagues from low and medium-income countries are welcomed at a very affordable fee through our Membership Grant, and actively encouraged to make the most of the personal and career development that the WMS promotes.
We are conscious of our environmental responsibility and promote ecological-friendly policies.
The WMS mission and values were agreed at the 2023 Executive Board meeting in London and based on feedback from members through a member survey.