Request for Proposal (RFP) for Hosting Future WMS Congress
Each year, the WMS Hybrid Congress and it's Pre-Congress Teaching Course is held in a different location. By changing venue each year, we aim to reach the widest possible audience and give voice to the latest breaking science from around the world. We are currently looking for a host city for our 2028 Congress. For upcoming Congress details see here.
Click for the previous years infographic
If you would welcome the opportunity to showcase your part of the world alongside the scientific advances being made there, please consider submitting a proposal for becoming our 2028 host location.
For information about what to expect from a WMS Congress, read our current Congress Guide.
The WMS Executive Board invites proposals to host future WMS Congresses from WMS Members.
Any proposal to host a future WMS Congress must be presented by a principal investigator/group of principal investigators who have a track record in the field of neuromuscular disorders and are acquainted with WMS and the way the Congress is run. If a destination or agency wishes to consider submitting a proposal, they must first identify the local WMS member contacts themselves, WMS is not able to provide this information. Once this relationship is established the destination, agency, venue or WMS member can contact Clare Beach at for a copy of our RFP Briefing Guidelines.
Each year, proposals will be considered for four years ahead, so in 2024 the Board considered the host destination for 2028 and in 2025 they will consider the host destination for 2029. The deadline for expressions of interest to host the WMS Congress in 2028 is the 15th of July 2024. The outcome of this first round of applications will be notified by email to the original applicant by 29th July 2024.
If shortlisted to present, the proposer/s (maximum of two people per proposal) will be invited to present a five-minute, in-person pitch during the Executive Board Meeting on Tuesday 8th October 2024 in Prague, Czechia. A full bid document should be sent in advance to Clare Beach, Secretariat at office@worldmusclesociety.orgby 2nd September 2024 and slides by 27th September 2024.
If a host destination has already submitted a proposal for 2028 or beyond, they will now be required to resubmit following the above process.
All costs relating to the submission of a bid must be borne by the submitter/ host destination. The WMS and Secretariat take no responsibility for any costs relating to successful or unsuccessful bid submissions.
First stage: Letter of Intent to Bid
This letter should be submitted by 15th July 2024. In it, the proposing member/s should express their wish to submit a full bid. The city, as well as the name/s of the potential venues, should be mentioned. A well-researched and presented potential venue, available during the relevant time period, is required for discussion. This will be discussed with the WMS Executive Board and if they approve in principle then the WMS Secretariat will set up a meeting or call with the proposing members to talk through the process and offer support and guidance where required. A more detailed Congress bid guidance document will be sent at this stage. The proposing members will be invited to present the information to the board or asked to provide more information. Click here to see the current structure of the Congress programme. The proposing members of the successful bid will form part of the volunteer Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the resulting Congress.
Bid Eligibility
The criteria for bid success will include but may not be limited to:
availability of suitable dates at a suitable Congress venue, in an easy to reach destination, compatible with minimum capacity requirements (1000-1500 expected by 2028) and pharmaceutical compliance.
availability of suitable dates at a suitable Pre-Congress Teaching Course venue (this is usually at the local university hospital for example), in an easy to reach destination, compatible with minimum capacity requirements (100 in-person expected by 2028). Patients for the live examination part of the course should be based in the destination City or within easy reach
appropriate whole venue accessibility for all delegates with a variety of mobility requirements.
availability of a range of hotel accommodation near the Congress venue.
availability of adequate inexpensive accommodation for students and young scientists.
an assessment of the appeal of the destination.
historical/ cultural/ interesting options for the networking reception, excursion and dinner venues.
an assessment of the budget, any local funding options and timescales to commit to the venues.
is the geographic location aligned with the WMS Congress calendar (e.g. not having three consecutive Congresses in the same region).
appropriate dates that do not overlap significant religious events or holidays
would the location potentially discriminate against participants from other countries?
the strength of the local neuromuscular community, commitment of a senior/experienced WMS Member to be involved in the Local Organising Committee (LOC)
all or at least most of the LOC should be based in the proposed destination city
The final decision regarding selection of the host destination will be made by the WMS Executive Board.
Second stage: Full Bid Document
A comprehensive Bid Document should be submitted in electronic format (PDF) by 2nd September 2024. The document should be no more than 50 pages and must cover the following inclusions:
venue information: available dates, size of venue, location, available lecture space, poster, catering and exhibition space, room layout and use, accessibility for all delegates, attractiveness of the venue,cost budget estimate. Including images and floorplans to show the use and flow of the space. WMS Congress Ltd will manage the overall Congress budget, at this stage, we require an indication of likely venue costs for the places you are proposing. We are fully aware that actual costs will be fine-tuned, once a successful bid is in place and we start official conversations with the suppliers.
safety of venue and the area/region
city information: location, accessibility, transport links, including a calculation of flight times from a selection of key international destinations, Visa application challenges or options
green policy of venue and city
sustainability opportunities available locally
proposed allocation of any potential surplus funds awarded post-Congress for educational purposes
suggested hotels (list, capacities, average price range, how close to the venue, how accessible). You can propose a headquarter hotel for the Committee, Executive Board and Invited Speakers if you would like to
any relevant information regarding destination attractions, restaurants, information about the wider region
written evidence of any financial and other local support available, for example subvention
any specific country or local pharma compliance regulations that we need to be aware of
any considerations with regards to liklihood of sponsorship and engagement by the usual Congress sponsors in the region
members of the local organising committee
proposed social programme
letters of support from the local neuromuscular community and other supporters as the LOC considers relevant to their bid
A slide deck of the highlights from the full bid document should be submitted in electronic format (PowerPoint) by 27th September 2024. The document should be no more than approximately 20 slides. This should also be brought on a memory stick on the day as a backup.
The Letter of Intent, Full Bid Document and Slides (if successful) should be submitted by email to the WMS Secretariat, Clare Beach at by the deadlines above.