Complaints procedure

The diversity among our membership reflects the high levels of cultural awareness within the Society, essential to progress our scientific efforts. However, it also means there will be situations when culturally insensitive acts, comments or behaviours may undermine the dignity of our members.

At the WMS, we are always open to ways of improving what we do, and we have set up a transparent and confidential process for our members to let us know when they have observed behaviours that they consider to be against our Codes of Conduct for members and for the Congresses.

Reporting Process

We take all complaints seriously. The procedure described below explains how we will ensure all complaints are managed fairly, confidentially, efficiently and transparently with full consideration for the respect of anyone involved.

  • First, we encourage those affected to challenge the behaviour or comment as soon as possible, in a constructive way, and in the spirit of cultural education.
  • Should this not be possible or appropriate, a member of the Secretariat or WMS Executive Board member may be informed, if possible or appropriate, who will try to address the situation and achieve a prompt resolution.
  • If the concern had not been resolved soon after it happened, or if the outcome wasn’t satisfactory to the involved parties, members have the option to submit a confidential complaint by completing this form.

To guarantee maximum confidentiality, WMS engages E-volveHR as an external independent party that will acknowledge the complaint and make enquiries.

  • We ask any member who raises a complaint to consider the following:
    • Anonymous complaints are not accepted. This is because E-volveHR wishes to ensure that any investigation and potential outcomes are fair and reasonable to all the parties involved. Also, E-volveHR will always need the name and contact details of the complainant to request more information.
    • The longer the gap between the situation happening and being reported, the more difficult it will be to investigate.
    • E-volveHR aims to complete investigations without undue delay, but investigation length will vary depending on complexity. If that happens, the involved parties will be informed of progress made and anticipated conclusion of the investigation.
    • All complaints are treated as if made in good faith. A complaint made dishonestly or to stifle constructive debate may lead to sanctions against those who raised it.

Investigation and resolution

When a complaint has been received in writing, these steps will be followed:

  • E-volveHR will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, and confirm that:
    • If the complaint is not related to a breach of the Code of Conduct, the complaint will be forwarded to the WMS Secretariat;
    • If the complaint is related to a breach of the Code of Conduct, E-volveHR will ask the complainant for additional information to understand the grounds of the complaint.
  • When E-volveHR has sufficient information, they will inform a WMS panel that comprises the following individuals, keeping confidentiality related to the specific parties reportedly involved:
    • Society’s Secretariat
    • EDI Committee Chair
    • President

If the complaint is about one of the above, or the complainant reports concern about any conflicts of interest with a panel member(s), E-volveHR will inform the other panel members. They will decide or agree on the selection of another panel member(s) who will not have conflict of interest with the case being heard.

  • The panel will review the details of the complaints and decide if:
    • No investigation is needed and the case can be resolved and closed without taking the matter further; or
    • An investigation is needed and the case should be escalated to find out the facts; or
    • The complaint is severe in nature and should be immediately reported to the local authorities; and
    • If the respondent in a complaint is a member of a committee or holds office at the Society, whether they should be suspended temporarily until the investigation has been concluded.
  • If it is felt the complaint needs investigating, the panel will agree the terms of reference for the investigation, which will then be carried over by the independent party, E-volveHR.
  • The panel will inform all parties involved in the investigation that their participation will be required and E-volveHR will contact them. Failure to cooperate or a lack of responsiveness on their side may result in the process being conducted in their absence.
  • When the investigation has been completed, E-volveHR will submit a report to the panel members that details how the investigation has been carried out and its findings.
  • If the complaint was about specific individuals, the panel will contact them to communicate the outcome of the investigation and give them an opportunity to ask questions and provide explanations.
  • The panel will then decide if the complaint is upheld or not. To uphold a complaint, the panel needs ‘reasonable belief’ that ‘on the balance of probabilities’ the facts of the complaint happened or didn’t happen.
  • Following this, the panel will decide any action that needs to be taken, up to and including having the WMS membership removed. The panel will present the report and recommended action to the Executive board for review.
  • The complainant and respondent can both appeal the outcome of the investigation within one week of being informed of the outcome. Appeals can only be submitted with regards to a failure in process or if new evidence is made available that is likely to affect substantially the findings of the investigation. Any appeal should be submitted to E-volveHR using this form, who will review the investigation and inform the panel about the new findings. The panel will then consider whether to uphold or not their previous decision, which will be final.
  • The WMS acknowledges this is the usual process, however it can be adapted to suit the requirement of the complaint.


The WMS reserve the right to take any action as deemed necessary as a consequence of any breach of the Code of Conduct.

If the nature of the offence may result in an investigation and sanction, the WMS powers include, but are not limited to:

  • giving a verbal or written reprimand,
  • blocking access to the WMS membership and/or Congress attendance,
  • removing their WMS membership credentials temporarily or permanently, with or without notice,
  • temporary or permanent disqualification from WMS offices and Committees, with or without notice
  • reporting it to the accused member’s host institution,
  • in extreme cases, filing a police report when appropriate.

The WMS can also consider the following outcomes:

  • Request and issue an apology from or on behalf of the respondent,
  • Mentorship – the panel may suggest a WMS mentor to guide and support the member in areas like equality, diversity, inclusion, collaboration or conflict resolution
  • Mediation – the panel may appoint an internal mediator to help those involved re-establish a functioning collegial relationship.

Records and Confidentiality

For monitoring purposes, and in line with WMS Privacy Policy, we will keep confidential records of all feedback and complaints so that we can identify patterns and areas for improvement.

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