WMS Committees

Welcome to the section dedicated to the WMS Committees. The Committees are run by groups of WMS members, supported by the Secretariat. Each Committee is looking after a dedicated area of interest to the WMS, and is creating, compiling and preparing various pieces of content to be shared with the WMS members. We are very grateful to all WMS members who volunteer their time and contribute part of these Committees. 

You should be able to see the members and work of each of the Committees by clicking on the link on your left-hand side menu. 

Below we include links to the Committees' work:

See Education & Development Opportunities

See Featured Cases

See Guidelines

See Myology Developments Across the World Publications

See Publication Highlights

Our Committees are passionate and enthusiastic groups who are always seeking more members to help bring new ideas and share the responsibilities. Please contact Sadie Tyler-Sibbald, WMS Association Support Manager admin@worldmusclesociety.org for more information if you are interested in joining any of our Committees.


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