Education & Development Opportunities

The main objective of the education roadmap function is to provide learning orientation by the distribution of curated educational material. Equality and inclusivity are the main priority, enabling speakers from around the world to able to participate, providing learning in their own language.

For any enquiries, please feel free to write us on 

See All Education & Development Opportunities

Photo of Hernán Gonorazky
Hernán Gonorazky
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Canada
Photo of Jorge Alfredo Bevilacqua
Jorge Alfredo Bevilacqua
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Photo of Rasha El Sherif
Rasha El Sherif
Newgiza University School of Medicine
Cairo, Egypt
Photo of Maria Soledad Monges
Maria Soledad Monges
Hospital J.P. Garrahan
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Photo of Susana Quijano-Roy
Susana Quijano-Roy
Hôpital Raymond Poincaré
Garches, France

If you have a query or some potential content please feel free to contact them to discuss further. For general queries please contact Clare Beach, WMS Secretariat on 

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