The 28th Annual International WMS Congress took place in Charleston, South Carolina in the USA between 3rd and 7th October 2023. 

It was a record breaking Congress for the WMS with more than 1,000 delegates registered to attend in person from 48 countries around the world. More than 200 delegates registered for virtual-only attendance. In addition, 475 delegates submitted abstracts, 79 were awarded travel fellowships and nine took advantage of the new WMS Caregiver Grant. 

To see highlights of each day of the Congress, please watch the videos below:

Thumbnail of the opening screen of the WMS Day 1 Highlight reel video - a Purple circle with WMS 2023 in the middle

Day 1 Highlight reel (video will open in a new tab)

Video thumbnail of day 2 highlights real. Contains a purple circle with "day 2" in green inside

Day 2 Highlight reel (video will open in a new tab)

Thumbnail of the opening screen of the day 3 highlight reel - a purple circle with "day 3" written in green in the middle

Day 3 highlight reel (video will open in a new tab)

Thumbnail image from the opening screen of the day 4 highlight reel. A purple circle with "day 4" in green inside

Day 4 highlight reel (video will open in a new tab)

We are also able to share a selection of photographs for you to view. You can find these using the link to this dropbox folder.

Published on 18 October 2023.


25 Jul 2024 Meet our members – Soledad Monges

23 Jul 2024 Meet our members – Jorge Alfredo Bevilacqua Rivas

01 Jul 2024 Our global Congress audience

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