Image is from WMS 2022. Shows delegates sat at round tables watching a flash poster presentationWe are now counting down the days to the deadline for letters of intent to bid to host WMS 2027. WMS members from around the world are asked to consider whether theirs is the best city to showcase local scientific advances for our global membership.

Each year, the WMS Congress is held in a different location. By changing venue each year, we aim to reach the widest possible audience and give voice to the latest breaking science from around the world.

The deadline for letters of intent to bid is Monday 17th July. The Executive Board will review the expressions of interest and then ask for full proposals from the shortlisted locations by 31st August. The Executive Board will then select the WMS 2027 host city during the WMS 2023 Congress in Charleston, South Carolina, USA.

The member or members who successfully propose the chosen location will join the Local Organising Committee and host site visits for members of the Executive Board.

If you would welcome the opportunity to showcase your part of the world alongside the scientific advances being made there, please consider submitting a proposal for becoming our 2027 host location.

Full details of what the letter of intent and the full bid should include are on our website along with a Congress Venue Specification.

If you have any questions, please contact Clare Beach, WMS Secretariat, Congress & Programme Manager by email.

Published on 11 July 2023.


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