Moroccan Society of Neurophysiology

The Moroccan Society of Neurophysiology (SMNPH), a non-profit association established under the Dahir of November 15, 1958, and amended by the Dahir law of April 10, 1973, stands as a dynamic and active leader in the field of clinical neurophysiology and related diseases. With objectives centered on promoting neurophysiology, fostering supportive relationships among members, and enhancing neurophysiological exploration techniques in Morocco, the SMNPH has made significant strides in advancing the field. Key activities of the SMNPH include the organization of annual congresses featuring diverse themes and attended by both national and international experts. These congresses facilitate the exchange of cutting-edge knowledge and foster professional development. In addition to these congresses, the society conducts practical workshops, round table discussions, and awareness sessions, particularly focusing on rare diseases, thereby contributing significantly to both education and awareness in the field. Membership in the SMNPH is diverse, including founding, honorary, and active members, with active members being primarily neurologists or neurophysiologists. Governed by an Executive Committee, the society maintains a commitment to the medical code of ethics and its internal regulations. The SMNPH's collaborations extend internationally, establishing partnerships with various organizations that share similar or complementary goals. This international cooperation enhances the society's reach and impact in the global neurophysiological community. Driven by its commitment to education, collaboration, and medical advancement, the SMNPH is a vital contributor to the field of clinical neurophysiology, continuously striving to improve medical practices and patient care in Morocco and beyond.

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